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作者:admin日期:2022-12-18 04:07:45浏览:61分类:普洱茶





Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world.



black tea 红茶

brick tea 茶砖

green tea 绿茶

narcissus tea 水仙花

jasmine tea 茉莉花茶

chrsanthemum tea 菊花茶

almond tea 杏仁茶

mint tea 薄荷茶

ginseng tea 人参茶

bitter tea 苦茶

White gourd tea 冬瓜茶

malt tea 麦芽茶

iced tea 冰茶

oolong tea 乌龙茶

instant tea 速溶茶

hot tea 热茶

lemon tea 柠檬茶

gonfou tea 功夫茶

pu'er tea 普洱茶

Tie Guan Yin 铁观音

pekoe 白毫

weak tea 淡茶

tea bags 袋茶

chocolate tea 巧克力茶

dragon well tea 龙井茶




鲜: 确切的说,是”鲜爽“,尤其是好的红茶,那种聚集在舌头尖上的浓强度给你带来的刺激感,会觉得鲜得发咸。




鲜:鲜也是绿茶最重要的因素。不同于红茶,它的鲜是新鲜蔬菜、绿色植物的那种,充满生命力的鲜嫩感觉,一口下去就是大自然。 而榜叔听过一个最打动人的形容:就像磕第一口生瓜子。又或者,也有人比较认可是土鸡汤或者鱼汤的那种鲜美。





















The cultural history of Pu'er Tea


Pu'er Tea rose up in the Eastern Han Dynasty, turned into comity in the Tang Dynasty, began to be popular in the Sing Dynasty, as finalized in the Ming Dynasty and was prospered in Qing Dynasty with a history of thousand of years. Pu'er Tea tea was originally named by its central trading area, in 1729 Qing government had first established an administrative zone named Pu'er Tea zone in Yunnan. From the 1970’s, Pu'er Tea become hot in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and so on. Pu'er Tea is hot because its habitat of high elevation and fogy growing environment, in is pollution-free in nature, is mellow in taste and long in the aftertaste; Moreover, the unique manufacture, transportation, packaging of Pu'er Tea made it become a unique second fermenting tea, thus has formed it’s the unique crusted fragrance and the health care function.


Keep drinking the crusted Pu'er Tea, a way to good health

1. 清?赵学敏《本草纲目拾遗》(1765年)“普洱茶醒酒第一,消食化痰,清胃生津,功力尤大也;又具性温味甘,解油腻牛羊毒,下气通泄”。

2. 法国巴黎圣安东尼医学院临床系艾乐?卡罗比教授经对40例,高血压病患者服用普洱茶进行观察,体重减轻显著者达40%以上,甘油三脂增高患者13例有10例显着下降;胆固醇高患者16例中有50%有显着效果;类脂化合物下降者达33.4%的比例。

3. 法国巴黎贝纳尔贾可托教授曾经给20位血脂肪过高的病人,一天喝三碗云南普洱茶,一个月后,发现病人血液中的脂肪降低了13%,血液中的酒精含量也降低了,而饮同样数量的其它茶的病人血脂肪则无变化。

4. 台湾大学孙璐西教授研究还发现普洱茶抑制胆固醇在肝脏中的深合成达41%,增加龚便中排除达66%。

5. 西南农业大学茶叶研究所近年来与中国人民解放军301医院,第三军医大学等医学机构合作,对老年性高胆固醇血症治疗作用及普洱茶安全等进行了深入研究,结果表明普洱茶对老年性高胆固醇血症有明显的治疗作用,根据WTO推荐毒理学类型,属于非有毒的范围。

1. Zhao Minxue of Qing dynasty written in “Benzao Gangmu Shiyi”: Pu'er Tea tastes bitter, reduce the fat and the poisonous lf cattle…cleans the intestines to help releases.

2. Doctor Amilcarobi of the Paris Saint Antony medicine department found that above 40% of 40 cases of illness drank the Yunnan Pu'er Tea in the test, have lose their weight by various degrees, 10 of 13 cases were rather well in reducing the lipoid, and33.4% to 50% has various effects in reducing the three acids glyceride, the cholesterol, the blood uric acid and so on.

3. Professor Bell Ketuo in French Paris had treated 20 cases of high blood fat by dinking three bowls of Yunnan Pu'er Tea every day, after a month, he found the cases reduced the blood fat by 13%, alcohol content in the blood ethyl also reduced, but the ills drank the similar quantity other teas had no change in blood far

4. Professor Sun Luxi of Taiwan University had studied and found that Pu'er Tea can suppressed the cholesterol by 41% in the liver, increases to removeby 66%.

5. Tea research institute of southwest agricultural college cooperates with the CPLA 301 Hospital in recent years to research on the treatment of the senile high cholesterol blood sickness in relating to the safety of Pu'er Tea , results indicated that Pu'er Tea has the obvious treatment to the senile high cholesterol blood sickness, according to the WHO’S recommendation on toxicology type, Pu'er Tea belongs to the safe non-toxic scope.


The deferent Kinds of Pu'er Tea Products


Pu'er Tea can be divided in the antique tea (before 1938), the labeling tea (from 1938 to 1967), the Chitse cake tea (since 1967 up till now ) and so on, and then still can be divided into the brick tea, the cake tea, the ball tea and so on in deferent patterns, we can distinguish the quality of Pu'er Tea is high or not basing on the “Four secrets in buying Pu'er Tea” and the Six “not to” policies in selecting Pu'er Tea. Four secrets in buying puer: Clear in smell, it must be clear, cannot have the mildew smell; Pure in color, it is dark brown like jujube instead of the black paint like; Right in storing, it is stored in the dry warehouse, cannot be deposited in the moist; soup, its soup tea temperature and mellow, instead of the mixed flavors .six “not” policies in selecting Pu'er Tea; 1, not to take the wrong manufacturing year as the range pole; 2, not to consider the forge packaging as the ture; 3, not to take the depth of soup color as the excuse; 4, not to get missed by added flavor of tea; 5, nit to summon the moisture and warehouse of tea; 6, not to consider by the age and variety of tea tree.


The deference of ripe Pu'er Tea and mature Pu'er Tea

1.生 茶:原茶性、原茶味、利用时间来陈化转变,实现越陈越香的价值

2.熟 茶:原茶性、已改味,改味就是利用发酵原理,致使生茶之刺激性做适当退化。


1. Ripe Pu'er Tea: The original nature, the original nature, the original taste of tea needs a rather long time to ferment into crusted fragrant Pu'er Tea.

2. Mature tea: The original nature and taste of tea has naturally changed by the fermentation.

3. Moistens piling Pu'er Tea: The original tea has artificially changed by the quick fermentation, which is non-irritant in flavor but not so good as the mature Pu'er Tea.


How to drink fine Pu'er Tea




Tea is one kind of ancient and civilized beverage, China is the earliest country to discover and apply “tea” in the world, tea has now become one of the three major beverages in the world. Supposed to observe the soup color in drinking the high quality Pu'er Tea tea at first: The Pu'er Tea tea appears the different change in the water color because of the deference of fermenting degree and time, if it is the new and ripe Pu'er Tea, the tea soup is thick, and the flavor is greenish in taste; the old Pu'er Tea is insufficient in the aftertaste, but the bitter and astringent flavor has already desalinated because the fermenting time is not so long as the quest; if it is the real crusted Pu'er Tea, the color, the fragrance, the flavor are all the best in testing.

The high quality Pu'er Tea needs abort 5 grams in each steep; it can continuously steep for 15 times. The length of steeping time directly affects the flavor of tea soup. Before the steep, the pressed Pu'er Tea had better first to be unwrap for 1-2 week in advance to awake the nature of tea; as for the brick tea, cake tea, ball tea the unwrap can be shorter, otherwise the density of soup that these teas steep out will too heavy to taste. Lt certainly can rest on personally favorites to steep Pu'er Tea to suit your taste is ok.

In Drinking the Pu'er Tea , besides to view soup color and to control the steeping time, to smell the fragrance is also very important, the fragrance of Pu'er Tea is deferent to the clear fragrance Taiwan high mountain tea, the fragrance of new Pu'er Tea is slightly similar to that of the Taiwan tea, only because the Pu'er Tea needs the affiliation by the air in the right amount of moisture content, which acts as the second fermentation, to achieve the crusted fragrance, therefore the fragrance Pu'er Tea is the aromatic compound which tea itself includes that affects by the length of storing time and the environment. This crusted fragrance is good or not can be identified by the smell inspiration during the steeping. Finally supposed to observe the bottom in drinks the high quality Pu'er Tea , namely to use the finger to pinches the tea bottom to identify the tea is delicate or not.


黑茶.. 1. black tea 黑茶(Black Tea)就是红茶啦:多喝黑茶亦可以令大家心脏更健康,减慢神经衰退的速度,也可减低患癌风险。 2. Post-fermented tea 中文: 黑茶 | 英语: Post-fermented tea | 日语: 黒茶 | 3. dark tea Lao She Teahouse(希望英语中出现的单词) black tea红茶

dark tea黑茶

black day 凶日;不是黑天或黑日

black tea 红茶;不是黑茶

black and blue 遍体鳞伤;不是又黑又蓝 ...1. 儿茶酚,儿茶素或是EGCG的药效都很强,而绿茶中它们的含量是黑茶的三到四倍。 A potent catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is three to four times more abundant in green tea than black. 2. 它介于绿茶和红茶之间,属于半发酵茶类,是我国绿茶、红茶、青茶(乌龙茶)、白茶、黄茶、黑茶、六大茶类之一。 It ranged between green tea and black tea are semi-fermented tea, green tea is China, black tea, Qing Cha (tea), white tea, yellow tea, tea, one of the six major tea. 3. 第戎:法国东部里昂北边的一个城市。它是一个工业中心和运输中心,其食品(包括芥末和黑茶)很有名。人口140,942 A city of eastern France north of Lyons. It is an industrial center and a transportation hub noted for its foodstuffs, including mustard and cassis. Population, 140,942.

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